I often jokingly tell my kids "hold onto your buckets" when I'm making a turn (driving) which in my language means, it may be a wild ride! Disclaimer: I would NEVER purposely put myself, my family or other drivers in danger, this is more of a fun game my kids and I like to play and it NEVER involves me doing anything dangerous or reckless!
Since my very first gallery exhibit is only two and a half weeks away, I feel like someone needs to tell me to hang on to MY buckets because I'm telling you, the prep work for this show is going to be a wild ride!! In my mind, I am picturing myself looking much like Beaker from the Muppet's running around trying to figure out what to check off my list, no scratch that...what to put on my list first.

I received an email from the gallery outlining everything I would need to provide to them in addition to my art of course. I looked at the list and I saw the normal items....artist biography, photo of me, inventory of my items...then I came across "Artist Statement". Perplexed, I had to consult the ever-reliable Dr. Google [okay maybe not Dr. in this case... we'll say Professor Google] for some much needed help on the subject. Turns out, I have to write a statement about my show, give it a name and talk about the why's and how's behind each piece and it had to be more than "I draw because it calms me and it's my escape from the crazy world we live in...."!

I didn't even know where to begin! I couldn't just copy another artists statement because, well that's just wrong and it wouldn't say anything about my work! Sitting down and typing what came to me didn't work, so I went old school! I wrote down questions as if I was being interviewed (thank you Professor Google) and answered them....by hand.
Slowly, very slowly...I put together a statement. Since my writing skills are sub-par, I had my sister, Janice, edit and refine and off it went to the gallery!
Having what the gallery needed up front out of the way, now to my inventory.
In listing out my pieces, a huge realization hit me right across the face....my originals could sell. I've ALWAYS kept my originals so quite honestly the idea of them selling is not only exciting but somewhat frightening to say the least. This would mean that I have to properly price them AND if they do sell, before I can get into another gallery I would need to finish more. Plus...half the collection needs to be framed and gallery ready in a very short amount of time.
Okay, let's all take a deep breath.
The reality of all of this is...this is a HUGE opportunity and something I have worked toward for literally my entire life. One of my biggest dreams is coming true so I need to be "holding on to my buckets" for an exciting ride that has the potential to open other doors in my journey!

I have so many more animals that I plan to add to my collection and what better way to open that door! Do I have A LOT to do before my exhibit? Um yes! But rather than be overwhelmed, this is a good time to use my excitement over achieving a goal to good use.
Cannot wait to welcome people to my first exhibit [wildlife captured]...coming May 2019!